Total number of photos: 24167


Jukka Saranen, Otto Karma, Gennadi M. Vainikko, Siegfried Prößdorf, Bernd Silbermann, Ernst Peter Stephan, Wolfgang L. Wendland, Rolf Dieter Grigorieff, Jingan Lei, Ian H. Sloan, Philip M. Anselone, Ivan G. Graham, Eckehard Pfeifer, R. Haß, Christopher T. H. Baker, Stefan Fellehner, Marian Kwapisz, Hermann Brunner, William McLean, Hans Joachim Oberle

On the Photo:

Occasion:General Principles of Discretization Algorithms, Theory and Applications

Annotation: from left to right: J. Saranen, O. Karma, G. Vainikko, S. Prößdorf, ?, B. Silbermann, E. P. Stephan, W. Wendland, R. D. Grigorieff, J. Lei, I. H Sloan, P. M. Anselone, Ivan Graham, Eckehard Pfeifer, R. Haß, Ch. T. Baker, S. Fellehner, M. Kwapisz, H. Brunner, W. McLean, ? , H. J. Oberle, ?

Location: Oberwolfach

Author: Ansorge, Rainer (photos provided by Ansorge, Rainer)

Source: R. Ansorge, Hamburg

Year: 1993

Photo ID: 8592

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